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* A little about me *
<- 2003-03-18 * 6:56 p.m. ->

I was born on February 18th 1975. I was raised just outside of Jacksonville FL in small town called Bryceville. I hate that town. I graduated in 1993 from West Nassau High School. I hate the school and the town it was in. I always hated school because I never really seemed to fit in. I had a couple of really crappy best friends. Which is why I tend to be a little clingy when I find s decent friend. I think I am an awesome friend if you give me chance. I didn�t know, or I chose to ignore, the fact that I am bisexual, while I was in high school. I was about 20lbs overweight till right before my senior year. Then I was hot. I was determined to get a boyfriend so I lost the weight. I was working at a grocery store at the time. I started dating about 3 different guys and was having a blast being the ultimate tease. I loved making out. It was more fun than sex because there was no guilt or possibility of pregnancy. I met my husband right before school started. I was 18 and we had been dating for 6 months before we had sex. So I have only slept with one man, ever. I got a job through the work program at the Kings Bay Navy Submarine Base. So I got to leave school after 3rd everyday! After high school I took some classes in Culinary Arts but I got pregnant so that was the end of that. Told you just making out was a lot more fun. So I got married in September of 1994 and my daughter was born in May 1995. I have a son too , August 1997. He was born on my moms birthday. She died at the age of 44 of lung cancer. She was my best friend. She died before my kids could get to know her. I hate that fact. Sometimes I just wish I could hug her just one more time. I quit my job at the base to stay home with my kids. I had to work nights though. I worked at Applebee�s for 2 � years. I loved bartending and most of the people I worked with. I kinda fell in love with one of the girls that was there for awhile. Her name is Christina. I didn�t really know it till she had gotten married and left the area though. I still hadn�t quite figured out that I like women then. I quit there and watched kids in my house. Big fucking mistake. I get stressed around my kids. My god other peoples kids suck. If I like the parents I loved the kids but otherwise. I think the stress from that took at least 2 years off my life. So I did that for a little while. Then I started working a Wal-Mart. This job sucked. I worked in the Deli. So gross. I hate touching other peoples food like that. Eww. So this is when I started letting lose the inner lesbian. Too many women not enough time to look at them all. I worked most of the time with this guy Chris. He loved to talk about women with me. I think it made him hot. All was well. My husband even teased me about bringing home a girlfriend so we could hook up. Then Katie started working there. I didn�t really pay much attention to her at first. She is young and shy. But one night. We had to close together. She told me she had a girlfriend. And we started talking about women we found attractive, and we started flirting with each other. I didn�t sleep that night. I was so worked up. I was lost from then on out. I wanted her and it freaked me out. We flirted all the time. But at the same time became friends. So I was torn of course. Especially since she broke up with her girlfriend. Well in the end the want won out. I don�t know if she feels I took advantage of her or not. But I had so much fun that night. I didn�t want to stop touching her. She is too fucking cute and hot. I do control myself now. And I will continue to. Unless of course she ever tells me I don�t have to.

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2004-06-10 - Bye Bye
2004-06-01 - ME (YUCK)
2004-05-12 - New house!
2004-04-15 - Good and Bad

The current mood of vktandt@hotmail.com at www.imood.com