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<- 2004-06-02 * 9:21 p.m. ->

The only thing I can figure is that I have subconsciously decided to see just how fat I can get. I am not doing it on purpose. But everyday I feel larger, and I don�t understand it. I think maybe I am so depressed with the rest of my life, but the food really isn�t even that good. Someone told me that once I figure out why I do things I don�t really want to do, or can�t change the things I really want to change, then I am one step in the right direction, the one step IS so far away. Why is it that just the thought of changing isn�t enough to start the process? Why is life so full of struggles and mysteries? I really want life to truly be black and white, a simple choice between to equal forces. If you chose the wrong one you know and understand why and how to fix it. If you chose the right one it is perfect with no consequences. I guess I am asking too much though, that is probably way to close to heaven to be aloud.

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2004-06-10 - Bye Bye
2004-06-01 - ME (YUCK)
2004-05-12 - New house!
2004-04-15 - Good and Bad

The current mood of vktandt@hotmail.com at www.imood.com