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* Ramblings of an Insane Women! *
<- 2003-09-03 * 3:10 p.m. ->

I went to the doctor yesterday. He is checking my thyroid and other stuff. I told him I have been tired and constantly hungry. I guess when he gets the results back we will go into greater detail about what might be wrong. I don�t know I think it might be clinical depression but he didn�t mention anything about that. And I was too much of a wimp to suggest it. I know I am so stressed right now. I am worried about so much money, weight etc. I feel like it will never get better. Life just doesn�t seem to be on my side right now. I am sick of always feeling that way. I want to feel confident and fulfilled and stay that way. I want to actually believe that things can and will turn out for the best. It is just so hard. If you listen to everyday life how can you believe in anything good. I mean my life could be worse. My kids could be sick or dead. But how is this supposed to make me feel better. There is a family out there having to deal with that. That in itself makes me sad.

God needs to quit hanging around and come back. It�s time for a cleansing. If I deserve to go to hell, fine at least I wouldn�t have to wonder about it anymore.

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2004-06-10 - Bye Bye
2004-06-01 - ME (YUCK)
2004-05-12 - New house!
2004-04-15 - Good and Bad

The current mood of vktandt@hotmail.com at www.imood.com